A Broad
A Single Thing
Dating Greatly (Episode 3)

Dating Greatly (Episode 3)

Dating can shed a lot of light onto the way we see ourselves, and the world. After a brutal divorce and a run of disappointing relationships, Cheryl shares the one surprisingly simple lesson that turned her luck around. On the advice of her therapist, Natalie dives into the world of "dating badly", and is forced to examine some of her own boundary issues. She has a worryingly good date with a dude named Jack, she and Christos swap war stories ... and strategy.

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A Broad
A Single Thing
Most pop culture discussion about the single life point at how to avoid it at all costs. From Disney movies to dating coaches to how-to books on finding love, we’re constantly told that couple-hood is the holy grail. But many of us have grown more, changed for the better, and learned the most about ourselves while not in a relationship. So how can we get the most out of being single? What can we celebrate about aloneness? Why can’t singlehood be a great thing? Join Natalie Karneef and guests as they share real-life, personal stories about navigating the unattached life.
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Natalie Karneef