Hi! I’m Natalie, a 47-year old second generation Lebanese-Canadian writer and filmmaker living in Turkey and Canada. I’m a Buddhist lay teacher in the lineage of Namgyal Rinpoche. And I’m in 12-step recovery.

Pretty typical, really.

Here you will find personal writing about creating connection and building community within our colonizing, capitalist, increasingly isolated, and incredibly f***ed up system. Themes include:

I practice the tradition of “dana” here, as I do in my teaching.

Dana means ‘generosity’ or ‘free will offering’.

Or, as Caitlin Johnstone puts it:

I [want] to write about the healthiest things I can possibly write about from the healthiest parts of myself, and if I'm going to get paid I want it to be by the healthiest impulses of the healthiest sort of people.

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The more people who pay to receive this newsletter, the more time I can devote to writing it.

Most importantly: I’m really glad you’re here.

  1. more about the filmmaking stuff here and also here

  2. to ask about weekly meditation sessions or book some Tarot time, you can respond by email to this newsletter

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Where 12-step recovery, travel, faith, food, anti-colonialism, and collective care meet.


Second generation Lebanese-Canadian writer and Buddhist teacher living in Turkey. I write about trying to choose kindness and build community in our increasingly divided world, through a lens of travel, faith, and 12-step recovery.