So moving Nat; bless you and your brave brother๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

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Thank you, lovely Heather

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He's very lucky to have you as his sister x Great story.

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Thank you, Lee, for your kind words!

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Such beautiful writing, thank you. I have been through similar, although not drugs, with my youngest son and one of the hardest things was letting go and realising I couldnโ€™t make things better. We too have a happy ending and he now holds down an excellent job and has wonderful partner but my heart still skips a beat when I see a late night message come in from him. Sending love to you both

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Thank you for sharing that, I so relate and am so glad to hear you had a happy ending!!

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Deep, aching, beautiful love.

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Thank youuuuuu lovely

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I am so happy for both of you!!!! Especially Phoof!!!! Keep up the great work!!! :) And how fabulous that you have each other as siblings.....XOXOXOXOXOXO :)

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Once again, thank you so much for sharing. I heart your heart, uh, as it were.

The longer I'm in recovery, the more it seems that while addiction is a huge problem in one's life, figuring out how to go forward is the real bitch of a challenge. I think being an addict kind of clears the decks; not surprising that other addicts find ways to resonate.

And you and your brother may be glad to know that I generously apply an SEP field to many "crises" around me these days!

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Bless you and your brother, Natalie! My 17 years sober is a beautiful place to be. Yaโ€™ll will get there, changed and grateful .

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Congrats on 17 years, James!!!

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Your writing made me cry with anxiety and happiness. I am so thrilled by you both...truly. That picture of you two before leaving should be on the artwork for your memoir or novel. So much hugs to you both.

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๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ and so grateful youโ€™re part of the story

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