What a beautiful place and such gorgeous photos. I can’t hear your story without trying to help. (A fault of mine apparently). I have been thinking about how hard it is for you to meet the right people. Sincere people. Before electronic dating I think we met people through our friends and relatives. There was a trail one could look at to know who the person was. Or perhaps you met in person somewhere and felt a connection. You could invite him to meet your father. His response may tell you something. Sorry Natalie if I am too intrusive. Good luck. Take care. Susan

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Don't be sorry, Susan <3 I love your comments. I totally agree with what you're saying and was just talking about it with a friend yesterday. And yes, my father's responses are strangely on point so you're not wrong about that! :) Thank you for reading and being a part of this journey. xoxo

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I actually meant the fellow’s response to being invited to meet your father. Although he may be scared off thinking you are too serious too soon. Just thinking aloud really.

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