How I hear you. Keep writing, keep offering, keep following that oceanic heart, you're on the path.

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Mar 3Liked by Natalie Karneef

As always, thanks for your words.

I went thru a phase after the latest relative turbulence in my life where I started to purge and/or share much of my stuff. And I thought I was grimly preparing for departure from this world, or some such self indulgent fear.

I think it turns out I am finally (fucking finally) realizing stuff isn't the answer. Instead getting enriched by contact with the rest of us/you.

Thanks for being there and writing.

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“fucking finally”—made me laugh. story of our lives. 🙏

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Mar 3Liked by Natalie Karneef

Beautifully put, dear Pen Pal. Thank you. xoxoxoxoxoxox

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Mar 3Liked by Natalie Karneef

The great equation for freelance artists with a conscience! Thank you for sharing this most relatable piece! 👏🙌❤️

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