And here I was just wondering when you would post again!

I don't have great insights and so many things are shitty around me.

But my dog always makes me smile.

I feel fear of the next unknown yet also meditate my way to letting it go and feeling a peace that is scarily new.

I am on the cusp of retiring and look forward to volunteer work, tons of reading, and just realizing I make all my own choices.

But this is not about me, I realize.

I always had the power to make my own choices (or just call it accepting life) as soon as I spoke out of autopilot.

Grateful to be a fan of your words...

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Woke not spoke.... wish I knew how to edit my comments

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Here's to dogs, Dave... and meditation, and being of service. Amen. Thanks for being here :)

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Natalie, this is a great round up! I'm honoured to be included but even more thrilled to be introduced to so many other resources I hadn't yet come across. I love that line too, "what is neutrality, anyway? An excuse to do nothing". Phew!

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Thank you so much, Noha! Looking forward to more of your words.

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