Mar 27Liked by Natalie Karneef

Bless you Nat, for caring so much about the World, and more specifically for our incredibly brave and resourceful Syrian family.

Your gift to put into words our difficult feelings and sense of helpless is much valued.😘😘😘

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Mar 27Liked by Natalie Karneef

Why can't we WASPS have edibles with names like Bucket of the Rich Man or dances like the Dabke! I am writhing with envy. Bless Jasmine and all her family for what riches they bring to this ailing planet. xoxoxo

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Good questions u pose here. Maybe the question is the answer. I love hearing about your experience growing up in Turkey, crossing cultures. This kind of thing is right up my alley. The food looks amazing, btw.

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😂 it is. Thank you for reading!!

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You ask these questions because you are a kind, thinking person.

But getting over that, the options are poor and limited.

You have traveled enough to know that cynicism is unacceptable.

You have learned enough to know that you/me (dammit!) are not in charge.

The answer, sadly, is resilience and perseverance.

Stay awake to what's going on but be vigilant about your only option: control yourself.

The beauty will find you, as you see, even on the sucky days.

Oh, and remember that you are not alone.

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🙏🙏🙏 amen, brother

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