I didn't realize I needed your substances until I started them!

I am also seeing parallels between 12 step recovery and other "programs", including Stoicism. Now you've got me looking at Tarot.

Work respect to trauma, I heartily recommend Gabor Maté's The Myth of Normal. A good balance between personal insight and strict clinical info.

Thank you for you.

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OK, I'm not THAT skeevy. That first line was supposed to read substances.

I can't seem to just edit comments...

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Substacks, substacks, substacks

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thanks Dave… that gave me an lol! The Myth of Normal was absolutely mind blowing for me, too.

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Mar 10Liked by Natalie Karneef

I've needed a non-romance read, I'll be checking out Weyward.

I don't think I have any "must" although it is beginning to be Spring here and going outside to see the flowers coming again and the trees budding feels pretty good.

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That is a rich generous fruit bowl of goodies Natalie 🙏🏼 thank you so much, I’m going to dive in now…. 🙌

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Love it! I don’t know who created the mouse image but it reminds me of that day one feeling going into retreat 😄 I will think of it when my bum hits the meditation cussion next retreat & smile 🙏🏼 thank you

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😂 🐭

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I enjoyed checking all these out! thanks Penpal!! The mouse with the football helmet kinda rang a bell for me I must admit.....I have learned a few things from my "cheese in the trap" days though, so that's good. xoxoxox

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Definitely need the things I didn't know I needed until you told me about them!! I want more please!

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